11.10.05. The Moscow Times. А. Титков о выборах в Белгородской области
Francesca Mereu. United Russia wins big in Belgorod vote
United Russia grabbed 53 percent of the vote in Belgorod legislative elections, leaving other parties in the dust as voters apparently recoiled at the involvement of a company controlled by Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov's wife in the race. <…>
LDPR went into the vote with the support of Inteko, the Moscow-based company controlled by Luzhkov's wife, Yelena Baturina. Inteko is embroiled in a very public dispute with Savchenko, who ran at the top of the United Russia ticket in the elections.
"The conflict between the regional administration and Inteko played a big role in the election campaign," said Alexei Titkov, an analyst with the Institute of Regional Studies. "The governor is very popular in the region, while LDPR was perceived as being a pro-Moscow party."